Sunday, October 5, 2014

                              ALL TOOLED OUT?   

Woa ..!   Is Web 2.0 dying?   Dead?   

Week 6 of CSU-Chico’s online class, Social Media, explores social media tools like DipityDoodle, YodioPrezi and Screenr (timeline creator, online scheduler and online presentation tools ~ and yes!  I just had to say them that way!) .   Plus, I read some more articles on more tools.

The one basic, underlying idea I got from them all was just HOW important it is to expertly create, monitor, and manage daily, often hourly, your social media.

Because…. “don’t you want to know how many people you reach?” ….  As they become dedicated, hopefully interactive friends.   After all, you have a product or service or you ARE a product or service, right?  

And you need to stay up with Internet trends, tools, tasks (and tedium) to be competitive, right?    Because, isn’t it really not only about being popular but being popular for a reason, right?   To make MONEY, right?

Maybe you don’t have a business now, but after reading about all these tools, they kind of make you want to ‘get-on-board’ and at least position yourself and get unabashedly popular.  Then you could be nicely poised with zillions of ‘managed’ friends that you could then sell something to, right?   Or, get so many hits that you get paid for just displaying others’ ads .  Like rocker, Bibi Farber ~~

….who ‘stumbled upon’ and created
Bibi’s a self-proclaimed concerned citizen who posts  little videos that she finds and re-posts from YouTube about sustainability on her site NextwordTV.  Last time we talked a few years ago, it netted her a tidy $2500ish a month for very little work.  Nice.  I had no idea she is a musician but found Nextworld due to my interest in eco stuff.

On the local scene in Red Bluff a few weeks ago I saw this truck and snapped it.

“Like Us On Facebook”     Hmmm…. So I went to ‘Orland Saw and Mower’ website to see who they were.

Their site looks like it’s actually STIHL’s national site that dealers can use… and yet under “Who We Are” they talk about ‘family’ ~~

"We are family, first and foremost. This also extends out to our customers, because without them, we wouldn't be here. It's because of this that we treat everyone as just that, family. We've been locally owned and operated in Red Bluff, CA since 2002, reaching out to help people across the board: landscapers, homeowners, contractors and professionals, and CDF camps throughout the northern valley. If you haven't been in before, feel free to stop by, if only to say hi, and let us help you through all seasons of the year. We also have weekly sales and promotions on our Facebook page, so give us a "Like" and join in!"

In Red Bluff?   I’d never seen them in town… and their truck & online address say Orland…   and their website is actually a national chainsaw company’s dealer website (STIHL).   Hmmm.

Also, on that site there is a really nice, personal-like video about Dave Stine, a custom woodworker who uses STIHL’s chainsaws, etc., so I got excited about his custom woodworking. 

Dave told such a heartwarming story about his five-generation family land, saying, “we try to take trees that are dead…”   Sounded a bit too homey, but still I’d love to see his work even if I have to drive to Orland…. But, WHAT??!   He’s actually in Dow, Illinois?  

My point is this is just one of many companies I’ve seen in the past few years that say “Like us on Facebook",  haven’t updated the data on their website for awhile, (that sometimes really isn’t their website but a national manufacturer’s website dealers can use) and then they post information (like woodworker Dave’s video commercial) of other people they, perhaps, have never even met.

Seems to me it’s easier and easier to get unraveled with your social media so the need for SM tools is keen.  But not necessarily easy or cheap.

After deep-boot wading through all this stuff I was primed last night to reach, grasping for air, at this refreshing article in WIRED:

Adaptive Path’s CCO, (middle C = Creative) Jesse James Garrett.  (Yup, Jesse James)

Garrett looks precision squinted, adequately rugged, yet expertly coifed & tailored.  (Silicon Valley is the new-old Black).  So who is Jesse and Adaptive Path?  Yup, of course!   A San Francisco company, along with Odeo, Six Apart, 37 Signals and some others who brought out some tools that made web pages come alive and flow with action – their overall focus was USER EXPERIENCE.

I’ve never heard of any of these guys but I’m all for making user experience awesome.   So I was a bit stunned to learn in this same WIRED article that it sold itself to Capitol One – a bank!   The WIRED author said this about such companies:

 "The people who ran these companies all talked together openly online, many worked together in person, and hell a lot of them even slept together." 

And he said they were mainly hype, “a hothouse of self-promotion”.   Tsk, tsk.  Sounded so cool yet another online dream deflated.

I won’t give up though.   I’ll find some (free) tools some where, somehow on this great world wide web that could manage my social media ~ once it becomes large enough to manage.  Oh… to be that big!  Bibi Farber scoot over.  ~~!~~

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