Monday, December 1, 2014

Social Media &
The Meaning of Life
(why are we here… and how much 
fun can we have?)

So, how is Social Media different?  I think of FaceBook, Twitter, Ello, MySpace, Friendster… and probably dozens more are being created as I'm typing this.  Some of these sites I like more than others, some I use more than others.  BUT, they are simply a format.  What we type or post in them is up to us.

My blog theme ~  Why are here?  ~  is about being on Earth, so that's pretty all encompassing as far as topics go.   Can I find the meaning of life in Social Media  (or love, or money, or education, or vocation, or sports, or philosophy, or religion)?   

The answer is:    YES      and      NO       and     MAYBE and SOMETIMES.

I find the best way for me to stay on track is to do things I like or love….. to have fun.  I can tell by my emotions:  does this feel good or not?   Not?   Then stop.

Sometimes I fall down the FaceBook rabbit hole, love posts from family, friends or new and exciting information from anyone….   and sometimes I think people are pretty desperate and have no life when they post every day on FaceBook (or every hour).  

Haven't got the hang of Twitter yet but DO know more about it due to this Social Media class requiring us to put up a Blog, to Tweet, and to put up our LinkedIn profile (and more).

I don't think one can say unequivocally that Social Media is good or bad in itself.  It's all in how we use it just like any communication tool, device or method.

I wanted to find something current tonight so I googled Social Media, November 2014, and found this way, cool program called SmartRiverside from Riverside City College that is getting computers, Social Media, and new technology into the hands of seniors, at-risk youth, low income and more.  It's called the Digital Inclusion Program and even teaches students to refurbish computers (and leaner coding, too).  These computers are then handed out to community members.  This non-profit is also attracting tech companies to Riverside for potential business.       Check it out here:

There are tons more programs, tons more information to be found online, or EVEN via your own Social Media sites.  Just go on your FB book and ask someone.  Six Degrees of Separation ~ or less!

~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~  

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