The Religion Tree above looks like a computer program flowchart. The subject of my blog is why am I here? and my friend Matt had this recently on his FB page. So, I stole it and it represents religion…. a whole bunch of them… AND it represents a flowchart, actually IS a flowchart… and (hang on) connects philosophy / religion with computers / social media. The basic idea is the internet changes the shape of friendship. With the internet people can now share common interests that may never, ever meet in person. How can this not be a good thing?

…. like Eike and Alex who each posted their 'grown up' pics within days of each other last September (FB) each in different countries, both at weddings:
But what does this have to do with my blog ~ Why Am I Here ~ and the future of Social Media?? Ever since the dawn of time there have been long-distance friendships, by phone or post. The internet just extends this trajectory in the development of human relationships… and the internet is mediating a change in all human relationships. Look at how businesses now relate to their customers, the way we conduct scholarship, the way groups of like-minded people dedicated to a cause organize themselves. These things are all being affected by this social revolution. And I think it's a big deal. How have we handled other advances… like guns, nuclear energy, and hard drugs? So, it's not those things that are

Things are happening way faster at a much younger age, though I don't expect five year olds to have to monitor their parents social media, nor (I'm sure) did Whitney. But stuff in print is often taken literally. This is all a new playing field. How would you react in public if someone said something to you privately that you may not have liked hearing OR if they said the same thing to you in an auditorium with thousands of people and they were on stage with a microphone saying it and pointing to you. Same reaction? OK. That's the difference and many do not think through that dynamic.
So, why I am here, why are you? To mix it up, learn things, have fun, laughs, learn things, be entertained, learn things, help each other, have fun, learn things.
Read Richard Bach's Illusions. "We're hear to have fun and learn things, hopefully both at the same time." Good luck fellow classmates with your finals! Hip, hip hooray for Professor Jon Knolles for bringing us all together with his CSU-Chico Social Media class. It's been a gas, groovy, cool, rad, bad, awesome, the bomb and my classmates 20 and younger…. how do you say it now? Au devoir~!~
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